7 thoughts on “Tiger, Tiger! poem by Prof. Ashok Tiwari”

  1. A nice artistic way of explaining the present scenario ………. hope the Tiger and its importance is understood better .

  2. Poem: Tiger By Bhavyata Kush

    tiger-tiger,tell me the truth,
    you are so beautiful,
    but not so cool.
    nature has made
    you like that,
    and you belong
    to the family of cat.
    you shine in the sun,
    and look very fabulous.
    we are stunned when you run,
    with speed which is quite done.
    you hunt with a stunt,
    hide in the bushes,
    and capture the hunt.
    but some have captured your skill,
    they make you pet and lesser kill.
    then also you show your skill,
    some are kept in a circle,
    and some show circus tricks.
    but as you have started to
    the question is there why to kill.
    tiger-tiger don’t feel afraid,
    we will keep you safe,
    and not become extinct.

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