Tag Archives: translocation

Translocation of Indian Bison – Conserving Biodiversity and Food Pyramid

As we all know, tiger is at the top of the food pyramid, and tiger conservation cannot be done without conserving that food pyramid, which itself entails conserving the biodiversity of an ecosystem. Loss of green cover depletes the herbivores and depletion of the herbivores leaves the tiger hungry, real hungry! What a condition for the poor jungle king to be in? But, there is hope and some action. Acclaimed wildlife conservationists from all over the world recently got together and made a historical effort in the jungles of Madhya Pradesh – central India.

We bring our readers a special report on the Historic Reintroduction of the Indian Bison (Translocation from Kanha to the Bandhavgarh National Park). Read the full report published here with the kind permission of the author, Rakesh Shukla. An abridged version of this report first appeared in the print edition of Central Chronicle of Bhopal.