Tag Archives: SERP

Save Tigers Shoogled!

Hey folks! Save Tigers has been shoogled!

Shoogled? Yeah, that’s a new context we have invented to mean “shooed away by google!” (Shoogle actually means “To shake or rock rapidly”). Do you google for all your information? Then you won’t find your favorite website on save tigers in the top 1000 (the zeros are right – it IS one thousand) results for the search term “save tigers“. Why? Because some smarta55 at google thinks that domain names with exact match keywords are worthless and should be shunted down the search results. Until few days back we were in the top 10 before the google smarta55es let off their gas!

Compare with other search engines: we are #5 in Bing and #3 in Yahoo for the term “save tigers”.

Do you know the deeper meaning of this google tactic? It’s all commercial sense you know! If people got accustomed to memorable domain names, they wouldn’t go to google to search so where will the monopoly get their bread and butter from?

Power corrupts absolutely and then ????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ????