Divert NH7 to save Pench Tiger Reserve

Jairam Ramesh, the central minister in charge of the environment and forest ministry in India, recently questioned the detractors of the proposal to divert the stretch of NH7 between Seoni and Nagpur. This stretch of about 130 KM passes through a critical area within Pench Tiger Reserve in central India, and it is feared that maintenance and up-gradation of the national highway would do irreparable damage to the protected area. The supreme court of India has put a stay on the highway up-gradation.

The diversion proposed via Chhindwara would increase the distance by about 40 KM, which is not a big price considering the damage that would be done otherwise. Chhindwara is an upcoming industrial town and this could also help the local people.

213 thoughts on “Divert NH7 to save Pench Tiger Reserve”

  1. save forest and animals.Even though we have plenty of resource we disturb others for our convenient.so pls do not disturb the forest.

  2. Please kindly save the forest and save the remaining tigers. Please allot more space for forest to save wildlife especially tigers as it is the National Animal of India

  3. yes v should sav remainin tigers in our country and should take necessary steps to increase their population. we r loosing our national heritage whether its tiger or hockey……

  4. “we where almost at the end hardly 1500 tigers left”. Lets work together to save our National animal.

  5. the most beautiful creation of GOD, the most graceful creature on EARTH, let them live…, we should not loose the pride of INDIA…

  6. yeph buddy u r right,but humans r very selfish, if we need to save tigers we need to really think big not only think but work together….

  7. we should not compromise with forest area for any future infrastructure development. now the time has come to think about animal & forest. otherwise we will see it in museum only …..

  8. if it go on like this .. in coming years our chlidren may qustn us as what is a tiger so.. we have to save tigers of remaining.. n have to protect indian frostery… s i put my hand to communicate the illitrates .. to save my national animal..
    but i need some good source n and a team

  9. yes , this should be. In our daily life we dont think about our precious resources , which all god has given us. This is our duty that v should protect our environment and resources.

  10. This is alarming for all of us to realise to take serious steps to protect our national animal, and if we loose them it would be a shamefull for all of us. Please, i request to our forest minister to work toward saving this beautiful precious animal.

  11. im really happy with dat,u r goin right…n im wid u ..n nw adding this topic in ma blog n also link ur website to ma blog

  12. Great work …need any support we re there to stand for the animals who are nature ‘s precious gems ….well appreciated !!!

  13. s we should save the tigers ………..every one should understand that natural resources is much powerful than any other resource…………..every indian should nt only have the erge 2 develop the nation but should have the erge 2 conserve the environment ………..since it is the single unit which SAVE us yet…….EVERY INDIAN SHOUL D KEEP IN MIND THAT IT IS OUR NATIONAL ANIMAL N IT DEPICTS OUR NATION………..

  14. there are only 1411 tigers left and we need to save them keeping our selfish motives behind and should always remember humans are the species to save other species ..so save forests as it is the home to this beautiful animal .if we do not wake up at this call we will loose the most valuable possession of mother earth and it will be irreversable.so lets get together and join hands for this regime..

  15. we should really divert NH7 to save tigers…If by diverting NH7, we can save few tigers than it will be excellent step. In diversion of NH7 there is only 40KM difference is coming and that is not a big deal I think. To save any live species we as a human being should do this diversion. If money is main constraints for diversion than I don’t think so, its a big deal for Indian Govt. and as far as travel time is concern it will hardly take 45 mins to any vehicle to travel it….and thats not any big problem.

    So, lets come together and divert NH7 to save the TIGERS.

    Jayesh Vasoya

  16. this has been a really bold step towards saving our nature and its creatures.
    i hope poachers should be given required punishment asap.
    lets save oue few tigers. all d best.

  17. Now only 1411 Tigers are left in India, This is shame on our administration and apathy of government to save such beautiful animals.Main culprits were our old maharajas and rajas along with britishers who were in our country for so many years. Their acts killed many tigers. Search all living such killers and punish them. All such persons directly or indirectly involved in such acts must be punished without long court battles. And start all out efforts to save these animals.Jai Hind

  18. Hi everyone… I just come to know about this from advertisement. It is really great to see people taking interest in saving Tigers. Diverting NH7 is a really good step. I am sure that this and many other small steps will really change the current picture in near future. Really a great job! We all should come together and stand for this noble cause.

  19. Hi All,

    Yes we should the remaining tiger. A 40km diversion is not a big deal.. After all its our national animal.

    All the best!


  20. lets join our hands to save those helpless beautiful creatures of god,lets take a responsibility and lets show our courtsy…this is the time to show that we are not only the most inteligent on this green planet but also the most responsible …..

  21. Do we really want to save the tiger, other than as a zoological curio or a museum exhibit? Even in the face of dwindling tiger numbers, it’s not too late to save the striped splendour from extinction.

    Here’s a list of things you can do:

    Support environmental educational centers, wildlife sanctuaries and zoos in their mission to preserve and protect our treasured wildlife.

    llegal trade in tiger parts needs to be stopped. Avoid tiger bone handicrafts, medicines and other tiger products to save the tiger.

    The more aware you are of the status of tiger, the more effective you will be in helping to save it. You can stay informed through magazines, internet, current journals and the media.

    Take action and create awareness. Organize an event that educates the public about tigers.

    Start petitions by telling people about the tiger and how they are an endangered species. Ask them if they are willing to sign a piece of paper giving their name and country as well. Remember the more people sign, the more impact a petition makes.

    Join a letter-writing campaign in order create awareness about the tiger’s plight.

    Collect or send your own donations to Tiger conservation organisations.

    Start your own Tiger Club. Read books, share facts, hold an art competition, watch documentaries or organise a chat with wildlife experts.

  22. Please save the forests and save the remaining tigers, we are Indian and its our responsibility to save our national animal.

  23. it’s great work(responsible) for all of us. how do we do our daily work without fail same way we are to take care of our mother nature 100%. when it is said don’t do this our people will do it first.by saying or putting add. will not work untill we all come forward ourself without any self add. and thinking it at low dignity.well educated people look after their own farm ( cows,pigs,goats, ) even cultivation of crops abroad but we here look ‘kaun paisewala hai’ by damaging our nature. tell me what help you need. bye

  24. Why is government reluctant to take this step? Is it only money or are there other difficulties involved? I would like to know more about the project first.

  25. Cruel hunters give our the freedom to live beause they are our
    national heritage & beauty of our nation.Pls do not kill our mother’s
    (India) children just for your livehood.So pls protect & preserve

  26. Please save tigers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    save forests save earth!!!!!!!!!!!
    save our national animal!!!!!!!!!!
    yes, v shud divert NHV…ITS A NOBEL STEP.

  27. Yes…of course the highway should be diverted….but I want to know that if the highway is diverted,who will take the initiative of doing that???

  28. And i also wanted to know that would our writing blogs would help in any way????
    I would like to know more about the project n also what we can do for it….

  29. Yes.Please divert NH7 away from Pench National park.Divert Mysore-Ooty highway also away from Bandipur and Madhumalai national parks and save the few remaining Tigers.

  30. Please do not raze wild life & Natural resource for our convenience. Save wild life & Natural resource…..

  31. Tourist visiting forest get very dissapointed if they do not see Tiger.Main attraction is Tiger our national animal.If our Govt. is so weak and handicapped that it can not save our national animal then its a shame and then how will they claim to secure our borders.Why cant they put barbered fence around reserve forest areas as they do for our borders to prevent infilterators.

    1. @Prafull

      Putting barbed fence is actually harmful to wild animals and they get killed. The forest cannot be made a zoo. The government alone cannot save tigers. The whole society has to actively co-operate in this effort. Our mindset has to change. We should think of not only consuming but generating and regenerating. Plant trees. Stop unnecessary damage to natural resources. Stop consuming products that damage the ecosystem.

  32. We must make arrangements in which the TIGERS & other animals are left to their Natural Habitats. For the time being all National Reserved must be barred for Humans & Tourists for couple of years. Not only Tigers but let all the animals be left out of Human Contacts. And only few selected NGO’s & serious govt. departments must be allowed to take care them.

  33. Mother Nature gave the giftog life to different creatures.
    The fact remains the best alive living being is the one, which does not make the life of others difficult to survive.
    I really wish we human beings will not object if Tigers stay alive and our eco system will remain normal.
    I hope for peaceful and healthy environment for all of us. So lets help nature for GOD sake.
    Thank you.

  34. I very much agree to divert NH7 to save tigers,where only 1411 tigers left,we can’t dare to harm them and their territory.Anything and everthing to save tigers.

  35. Snehal

    Hey guys thanks for letting us know.
    Its high time that we should do something to save ur tigers.
    Iwould be greatful to help u in any of ur initiatives to save tigers.

  36. I Requesting to Indian Government to take proper action to save our National Animal, Otherwise there is no dought in future our children study about tigers as ” Once Upon a Time Tigers was lived in India” in books.

    Come that may…Please take necessary action to save our Tigers ——-

  37. India was known for wildlfe and nature beauty,but today we stand no were.our forest are used for industries,constructin of highways,multipex,mall”s etc..

    its good that India is developing but at what cost?
    have we ever thought abt that everybody is back of development infrastructure but our politicians dont have time to give a thought on environment.when they cant think of our loosing natural wealth how can they use their brain for saving INDIA.
    But atleast we layman cat cuw together to save our wealth…..

  38. As in case of the national highway between Karnataka & Tamil Nadu which cuts right across the Bandipur National Park & Madumalai Tiger Reserve has increased the number of wildlife deaths . Measures are now being taken to check the traffic on this road ( 9pm – 6am the road remains closed ) . Act now to avoid regrets later . The current phenomenon is more of a hassle in reality . I have personally observed people rushing through the forest at high speeds to reach the check post before 9pm & vehicles pile up in the morning before 6am , both times are crucial for cat movements . A National Highway in the midst of forests may increase the number of tourists but rather creates a situation where its impossible to control the tourist inflow . I am in favour for the diversion of the NH . Hope it does divert .

  39. yes,it should certainly be diverted without letting any second thought 4 d simple reason that 40 kms is jus a matter of 1 week n some crores without inflating d current budget provided d functioning machinery spills only fraction of money siphoned off during d tender process……
    u guys r doing a heartening job….


  40. Please save these lovely animals.I dont want to belong to the last generation to see tigers.I want my children and grand children also to have the privilege to see tiger number grow and flourish.

  41. Please divert the road and save that forest, ultimately the tigers. I m really wants to do something to save tigers, how to proceed

  42. Hey

    We SHOULD divert NH7 to save our lovely TIGERS.

    Please tell me how can me & my friendz would help you guys to save tigers???

    I am not kidding…. that televison add i JUST cant forget. That innocent cub is still in front of my eyes..really want to do something for tigers..

    ravinder singh

  43. Hi,
    everyone after watching that add is TV I thought that we should do some to save our national animal.we are only left with 1411 tigers.
    so we should do something to save them.
    And i really want to do something for them.

  44. Hi Friends,

    This is Navneet Singh.I relay thanks all those people who all are involved in this noble coz to save Indian Tigers and as v all know that TIGER which is the pride for Indians is on the urge to extinguish. Now there are only 1411 Tigers left in India & v need to help our govt by sporting in every posib way either it is non using of plastic and paper bags in order to save treas an then forests etc this will not only give Tigers the natural habitat to live will also help us to save our ECO SYSTEM, we our self need to take initiative now plant more and more trees to control and fight with global warming


  45. 40 km is nothing if we have to do something more to save the animal which is our national animal, and which is going to despel if we didnt got aware of it and started to save them, its my humble request to all the peoples and Ministry of the Roads, pls. do the needful or our future will only come to know about the Tigers in Books.




  47. Limited entry in forest area for turist.limited entry from 4 wheeler.no permission for new constructions in buffer zonearea.stop photography with flash. . IF WE ARE SAVE TIGERS IT MEENS WE ARE REAL INDIAN TIGERS.


  49. SAVE TIGERS plz have petty on them!!!!!!!!!!! plz do something 2 save them…where there r acers of land in this nature we dont have jst 40 km for this natural gift,,,,, lets join our hand for this noble gesture

  50. wat pride do we get after killing our own national animal???its a shame dat only 1500 tigers r left in india,……imagine 28 states more dan 1000 people in each n only 1500 left???v hv to take steps to protect our national animal……
    i will do every possible thing to save the animal….i hope we r sucsesfull in dis……..

  51. “Yes have to make diverrsion, 40 km is not a big problem”. Save tigers and forest. save india

  52. hii

    If Diverting NH7 can be a solution to this problem….i think its a very small price to pay to save our national animal..

    Save tigers

  53. The place is for Tigers. are we going to take and occupy that also ? First of all, there are only a few Tiger’s left in this country, and now if we take away their home, where will they live ? Is there any old age home, or orphange that is going to take them ? or are people going to adopt them and keep in thier 2-3 BHK flats ? Everybody knows the answer. People supporting it, should think, what if somebody comes to forcefully occupy their homes ? Will they be silent and easily give up. When they can’t, why should animals give theirs ? A sense needs to be put in such people who don’t have sense in them at all. Nonsense people.

  54. Government must take action on this and divert the NH7 to save Pench Tiger Reserve…and there must be a law that says NO ROADS should be allowed in forests…and if government does not do anything than Suprem Court should look after in this case…
    We all are with save tigers team and we will support them.

    Thanks & Regards

  55. ya……
    we should save tigers now the national animal is is at danger and we should take steps to help them…..

  56. Accessible Connection between states should not lead to detoriation of our wild life specially our national animal Tigers. Different routes between states can be made but there is no other accomodation for them. Diverting NH7 would cost nothing but if not diverted it will majorily cost the life of them

  57. It is really important to save our tigers as they are our national animal
    So let us start saving tigers

  58. It is high time …we should save or national animal…pls we should do something …government must take any action divert to NH7

  59. yes i m with d tigers and if anyone comes to destroy or anything wrong happens i will be very dangerous for mankind because tigers life is only my life….Anything which leads to tigers death should be diverted …..
    Also the government should have to be sincere now and responsible for saving the tigers.

  60. please save our tigers which is the national animal of india.
    govt.should be very serious to divert NH7 to save them.
    its time to go forward .

  61. Yes we must divert NH7 to save the tigers. We must do something to save them could any one plz. tell me is there any NGO in delhi or in gurgaon who is working for that.

  62. we have to and must save our national animal! not only government but all of us should take necessary steps to save tigers,that road is for them,extend it further. they need help and we cant be so cruel towards them!
    i am ready to do the needful.i am willing to help in every way when required.please do the needful.

  63. we should not kill tigers these animals are indias prouds if all tigers vanishes frm india it will be national shame for us only pls same tiger and his prey if ur killing tigers prey then tiger will also die pls dont let this happen save tiger save indias pride we should not let it happen what happen in panna and ratombore


  65. i wish we all can cme together n wrk as a team to save our national animal ……..lets show the pochers tht we r nting less n we aint afraid of them \m/\m/

  66. hi i strongly belive that everyliving creature in this earth has equal rt to live as we all have its not abut our national heritage.i would say its first about humanity.be human n lets join together if we can make a difference

  67. The present situation of our National animal Tiger is as similar to our National game Hockey.
    There are N number of people to talk about the Issue but no one to take Serious steps to make sure we protect & also increase the Number of tigers in our country…

  68. yes we have to save tigers……….n have to protect them…….. SAVE TIGER AND SAVE FOREST

  69. i want ot say that we all the people of India or the World we are seen that we have a fews Tiger in India we wnt to save & take care of that.

  70. tiger is our national animal ….we nvr let them die ….so plz save them …nd let them live …..save our national animal…..

  71. we should save our national animal. i will always support you in saving our tigers.
    Please, please, please save our tigers. animals are as important as trees and money. the decision is on you.


  72. DEAR ALL

    Remember we are INDIANS identified as TIGERS It is shame on us if we don’t protect Real animal tigers.Our identity to the world just because of them. so please please give the best efforte to save wild life

    Nature lover
    Prashanth Kumar Talari

  73. Plzzzzzzzzzzzz Plzzzzzzzzzzzz save the tigers , other species and nature ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the way we are playing with nature nowwww the same ways wee will be getting back from the nature ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and Nobody can fight the natural calamity ………. please be kind and maintain the ecosystem ………..


  75. Yes. No dubt on this….Please Please Please divert NH route….Allow our nxt generation to see the beautiful world.

  76. Come on, for God’s sake (if their is one) please give them some space to breathe, some place to call their own. Do hell with highways, we have already shrinked their habitat, now it stime to expand it.

    Naveen Hakhoo, JRF

  77. please divert NH7 and save the food chain. sacrificing a little development wont cost anyone but, sacrificing nature would cost everyone…..

  78. Please save the national animal of india. Since time immemorial, the tiger has been considered as a Royal Animal. Let us take an initiative and aneffort to save the tigers from being extinct…

  79. My all dear friends please try to give their right to them. Please think about our tigers situation. we can help them and we have to help them Yes or No?

  80. Tigers are our national animal and it s a pity that only a few are remaining. They to are under danger by deforestation, illegal hunting and climate changes. The Indian governent should take every possible step to protect them.

    The roads can be redeveloped but the those who die can not brought back to life. So, I request the government to divert the NH7 and save these tigers.

    Love and care the nature!


  81. Yes NH7 should be Diverted or else our next generation may have to see the pictures of tigers as we see now of Extinct animals

    How would you like if a Road goes right through your Home
    we dont want to see NH7 or any thing else as our National Animal

  82. Yes. we should divert NH7 to save the tigers.Infact for few years , we should stop men intervention in All Tiger Reserver Park, even stop tourism over there sothat Animal get there Natural life and can grow under high vigilence of Forest department.Also Govt should take hard step against Forest department if any mishappening( Tiger Killing) occurs because without any local help it is not possible to poching is not possible.

  83. Hi

    Save tigers is good initiative. Thank you for starting it. you are creating awareness among the people. All of us know tigers at the point of extinction and we should do something. None of us know what to do and how. Neither did we know the number of living tigers is so small.

    Is there anything else that we can do, something proactively? Please let us know and I am sure most of us will try to do it.


  84. Sir,

    I wish all the success to your efforts and wish that not only our kids but the coming generations should see this most wonderfull and magnificent animal. I not only support diversion of NH 7 but also suggest that all the parks having tiger population should be fenced like borders and a special Armed guard force to be established to protect our forest and wildlife and the IPC to be amended to provide for capital punishment to persons like [name removed].

    MY slogan is:
    God save our tigers save our forest
    Give them space to breathe eat and rest.

    CA Rajesh

  85. Hi

    Its good that this issue has been raised and brought this up thru this website. I fully support the cause and strongly believe that we all should collectively do something to protect the tigers.

    NH7 must definitely be diverted and the Govt should stop people from visiting or hunting in the forests so that the Tigers are left aloof and safe.

    Please save our tigers……its high time we do not disturb nature now and save animals from extinction.

  86. Hey guys thanks for letting us know.
    Its high time that we should do something to save our tigers.
    I would be grateful to help u in any of Ur initiatives to save tigers.

  87. Of Course the diversion will not affect that much, because without it the already endangered species will be more prone to extinction keeping in view that they are only 1411 in number.
    Lets take oath to save this beautiful creature of nature from being a talk of past.
    Save Tigers, Save Nature, Save Earth

  88. i have made a chain mail about saving the tigers in india, it is very shameful for killing the national symbol!!!

  89. hi,
    first of all the initiative u hv taken is very gud to aware our people abt the situation of our national animal and this platform is very gud to make disscussion on this issue. But the thing is that the actual scene, becz of which tigers are disappering so fast is the lack of proper forest force to protect them and implementation of proper norms to protect them. we should again notice the figure which is ‘1411’, and then should again think on it that, is it the time to make people aware on this issue. or to take action to protect them. Ofcourse spreading awareness is important, but @ the same time some strong policies should be created and implemented in parallel. because the time when we are making people aware at the same time perhaps this ‘1411’ can go down.
    so at this point with the awareness that this organisation is spreading, which is actully a very gr8 job and i congratulate them for taking such a kind initiative for our national animal. i suggest them to highlite the implementation of present norms to save the tigers and to modify if it is necessary which actually needs.

  90. Its good that this issue has been raised and brought this up thru this website. I fully support the cause and strongly believe that we all should collectively do something to protect the tigers.Please save our tigers

  91. Poaching is a serious problem for dwindling tiger population. This has to be handled with stringent law and rules. Though the rules are in place, these are not implemented and things are taken for granted. But, resources are less and can’t take the chance to let a liberal hand towards the poachers. Stop them with rigid and harsh methods on the poachers.

    Stop the road upgradation on this stretch. This will help only the poaching problem to increase with well laid roads for the poachers to escape after they are done with the animal.

    Human is the supreme power. When a man can destroy the animal, a man can certainly save that animal. All he need is a heart and mind to help and co-operation from the authorities.

    Save Tigers, Save Nature.


  92. are boss hum kitnaa kuch bhi karlee jab tak apnee goverment animal maafiyaaoo ke khilaaf kuch nahi karte aisee he animals martee rahngee or hum or aap bass blogs likhatee raha jaayengee. goverment hum insanoo ke liyee to kuch nahii kar rahii to animals ke liyee kya kareege agar hum sabhii in maafiyaaoo se koi khaal or haadee nahi kharedengee to thodaa bahuut kuch ho sakataa hai

  93. apni goverment ko flyover or road repair par pisaa na kharch karke kuch forest ko bachanee par kharch kare or animals ko bachanee ke liyee ek nayaa group banaayee jo all india ke forest ke deekha bhall karengee

    1. @vivek
      ??? ????? ?? ???? ?? – NTCA – ????? ???? ???? ?????? tiger conservationists ????? ???.
      A group like this has already been formed – NTCA (National Tiger Conservation Authority) – which includes well known tiger conservationists.

  94. yes its a most required plan at the current stage…we should not disturb the tigers natural habitat..pls do it..
    good thinking

  95. On way to prosperity we are destructing nature which inturn destructs the human kind.y not chose another place for the industrial village where forests are not disturbed.

  96. Guys,

    Please lets us all join together to save our National animal. Its a wonderful creation by God, let them LIVE please. Our future generation should have this and they should nt identify our national animal thru books, net and photographs.

    Govt. and the public should be pro- active. And the Forest dept should take some steps to conserve our animal… Its very bad that we have our national animal in figures of 1000.

  97. Save tiger PLZ.

    Government should take measurements like appointinh morew people for forestation adn saving tigers.

    It is our NATION, It is our NATIONAL ANIMAL.

    Government can take some tigers and make it breeding to produce more tigers.

    If everyone (Especially the Govt authority people) thinks we can, we can surely save our animal.

    Humans are the main cause for life and death.

  98. Actually the fact which i have heard that tigresses eats some of her babes after delievery since she is hungary & no energy to hunt & eat , so i think the Pregnant Tigeresses should be kept in some Delievery hospital so that more tigers can take birth ….for reply contact me on taamol@rediff.com

  99. Yes we have to divert the NH7 at any cost for preserving the pench national park, and 40 km should not be the issue for the same.

  100. This is really shameful to hear… we bother so much about films, politics, sports and other unnecessary elements. We have enough time to chat, to orkuting, to watching TV and listening to music but we dont have time to our national prid.

  101. All those who posted here, please write to the govt demanding this. The politicians only hear voice of voters, and will take the plight seriously only if they feel the votes are at stake. Write to the PM, Sonia Gandhi, the CM…anybody with influence:

    Ministry of Environment and Forests,
    Government of India,
    Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex,
    Lodhi Road, New Delhi

  102. i just reached here by radio and I think this is a great effort and I am fully appreciate with it. I just wana say that if tiger will only in records than what we give our children there photos only to see think. So we have to do something like this i will come back for more discuss so i fully joined with it.
    I faced tiger clear in my area, i am living near sariska tiger reserve Alwar and think that if we have good effort like replace tigers here and protect them from hunter must be a daily work and help gov. thank for your effort

  103. tigers hamare desh ke anmol dhorahar hain. hum apna jitna dhyan politics,politicians,films,scandals etc par dete hain uska 50% bhi agar in tigers ko bachane mein dein toh inhe 1411 se 1411 hajar karne mein jyada samay nahin lagega.NH7 ko definitely divert kiya jana chahiye jisse hamare tigers safe rahein. SO SAVE TIGERS , SAVE INDIA’S PRIDE.





  105. wow!!!good effort friends.. please save them with Ur prayers god created them with pleasure,we are the helping source for them.Please reduce human population and increase tiger’s population

  106. there is not even a choice to make…how can we not save these incredible animals! After all they are in this position because of us to begin with!

  107. yes, the nh-7 must and should divert form the tiger reserve forest. due to now in our country the tigers populaliton is less than 1500 nos, it is an right tous to save the animal. if it is not done by us our childern will see the tiger on a picture.


  109. please save tigers
    its symbol for our nation
    its part of our body of nation as well as nature
    gov.please aware to save them !!!!

  110. Thanks for your efforts to save human being BY SAVING TIGERS.
    Because you are trying to protect FOOD CHAIN.

  111. hi dis is suman..bachpan say suntey aa rahe hu…or dekhte aa rahe hu…dainasor the …..bt av to hum unhe sirf t.v or picture mai dekhety hai….aaj y hum logo k ley history ban gyr hai…jo galte humne pahle ke plz dnt repat it….esha na ho…humare naye pedhe k ley tiger words v history ban jaey……so plz save itttttttttt

  112. There appears to be something amiss.I spent so much of time & effort submitting my comments.Now it says Error…Submit Comments!!!

    1. @Lt Gen Dr Mohan Bhandari

      Some portion of your comment was removed as we cannot publish hearsay, but we are forwarding your entire comment – verbatim, to the NTCA (National Tiger Conservation Authority).

  113. the world is not for humans only tigers are also have the basic rights. like food, shelter and protection.

  114. yes definitely….this must be done to save the more precious things than concretes…if we can have one of the largest road networks than why not the largest no. tiger population…afterall “TIGER” is our national animal…save them…preserve them…

  115. I love tigers as they are our national animal.I feel very sad when ever I listen in news that tigers are killed orare being poaching.Why they want to kill them only for making money but Iam telling you those who kills animals without region for making money.When they die and go to god and they will ask a question that what you have done in your live?and those who kiils animals they will be deeply punished by god because can not speack and tell there problems.then god send them to earth but they born in the beggars house because they have done wrong with animals and in that period the animals will kill those people who wre killing them.please leave these innocent tigers.this is my reqest to you

  116. Its hard to belive that they are very few tigers left in india.Being a nation animal they do not have any protection.I feel very sad as they are being killed just for few bucks.We must do something to save our tigers.I really appreciate this blog as they have comeup the new idea to save the tigers.Today i put on my livis “save the tiger” slogan jacket at my work and everyone liked it as it’s creating an awerness among all the employees.Please pass the message to every indian.Govt should take a serious action towards hunters.

  117. Tiger is our national symbol we should protect it as national treasure otherwise our coming generations will know about it through photographs only.
    If we will not protect tigers they would be extint

  118. Tiger is our national symbol we should protect .

    Tiger Tiger burning bright,
    will not let you fade out of sight,
    that is my promise
    and for you we will fight

  119. Saving forest and tigers is are all responsibility but very few people understand it.driving 40km more is not a big price nd our forest could be saved for are future…

  120. we must save our wild (tigers)animals, we not do that , in our future we see them only in animal planet or discovery chennal

  121. we should seriously take some initials and save our wild life (tigers and all other animals) as we can notice that our wild life is vanishing slowly along with the forest. Government should make laws for this cause. we the public should even not promote all these acts by quitting all leather items and wild animal’s nails, teeth(tusk) . . .


  122. its simple always….balance the eco system…tiger is beautiful and as well as ferocious…both things need to be present in this earth.

  123. be proud that god has given so much wonderful things in this earth…give respect..to all the things.

  124. Yes, it is our duty to save the remaining tigers. It’s very sad to know that till now we could not do anything to save the majestic beauty (tiger) of our country. Better late than never. So we must pledge to do something now constructive. After all it is the pride of India.

  125. yes, tiger is our wonder full animal. it’s teach him brave to fight our life’s bad times.
    And we die our life’s biggest teacher. so, now we get up & fight for our countries & our gods vehicular as well as TIGER.

  126. save the tiger is an unique effort , we all Indians should come forward to popularise it more & save the tigers for the future generation …

  127. Hii,,,
    we all r human being but we don’t care of our natural resourses.. tigers is the one of our natural resourses.. why we don’t care. can we think abt it. because we don’t hve time. but if we want live than its must to maintain equilibrium in our univerese.tigers finish than we finish..so i request plz plz save the tigers……… swt anjana rqust u..

  128. Earth is beautiful,,
    we r beautiful,,,,
    tigers is most beautiful…
    so plz my all swt frnds…
    save the beautiful things..
    because i know ur hrt is tru beautiful…..

  129. Ohh our lovely Tiger ,
    We want to save you ,
    We are so eager,
    But some humans are really so bad,
    By seeing ur beauty ,
    They really go mad,
    Ohh Mother World,
    Please help us save your child,
    And prevent humans,
    From again becoming wild…

  130. We must do all measures to prevent the extinction of this valuable and beautiful species. People who are caught killing these beautiful and innocent living beings, should be hanged to death and no long prosecutions wasting time. They must be given the same punishment as they would have been given when they wud have been found guilty killing any man!

  131. ??? ????? ???????? ?? ? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? . ??? ??? ?? ????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ?????.

  132. hey guys why do we kill tigers and obtain some cloth to use as sweaters . killing tigers is not like a game if we kill our national tiger it is that we are killing our power or wasting it. we have to save them from hunters by introducing some santuaries and wild life santuries. This is what i want to say and once again iam telling that killing a tiger is killing our power, respect and culture.Thank you

  133. we have to save our tigers.
    bec there are really small number of tigers remaining in India.
    sooooooooooo plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help to save our national animal.

  134. the problem is that we always waste our time in talking and analyising things
    but we never perform…… So its high time we should seriously start acting on
    our suggestions…everyone must do his,her bit. The best thing we can do is….stop being materalistic…..it will solve many problems!!!!!!
    Karna hai bs ek try!!!!!!!

  135. let’s quit all the products made of tiger’s bone,skin or any parts of their body,this is the best way a common man can adopt to save the life of such few no. of animals or else they would be remembered as one of the extinct species on earth.

  136. Inbreeding depression is also a major cause of reduction in tiger numbers, apart from habitat destruction and poaching. The only way to overcome this problem is to create linkages between different tiger reserves through natural corridors. I believe the project tiger is already working towards this. NH7 should be diverted to facilitate the Kanha – Pench natural corridor.

  137. To save tiger its imp.to stop deforstation,,,,,,,,,deforstation is a big problum 4 loosing tigers……………
    so stop deforstation n SAVE TIGERS


  139. ??? ???? ????? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???!! ????? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???????? ?? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???. ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ?????.
    Shame on us Indians..

  140. Guys just to inform you While constructing this 4 Lane Highway 75000 trees have already been cut that too between the buffer zone of pench tiger reserve,every month due to road accidents many animals dies on this highway specially in the park area,if any of u ever been to this place you must have seen the scenic beauty of this place, its one of the most beautiful place in India but due to selfishness of human this beautiful place will be destroyed,diversion of this Highway is a rational solution and it will not only save the animals but also save the trees and beauty of this place. Please support to save this beautiful place the place which we all have seen through the EYES of RUDYARD KIPLING ” JUNGLE BOOK” LAND of MOWGLI.

  141. ?? ???????? ???? ?? ?? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??. ??? ??? ???? ?? ????????? ????????? ??? ??????? ???? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ? ???? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ??. ?? ???????? ??? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ??. ?????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??, ?? ?? ?? ??? ? ??? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???, ?? ???????? ?? ? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??. ?? ????????? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ????? ????? ??????? ???? ?? ???? ??. ??? ?? ???????? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ????? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??????? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??!

  142. The NH7 should be diverted, 40 km is a very small price but can make a big difference to our national heritage

  143. Tiger is eco friendly animal and its very imprtant to save him so that we can save us.So I too, in favor to divert this NH7 ASAP.

  144. Ya i m happy with the duty of ramesh ie ministry
    but before giving the suggestions we all have to think with the perspective of local people, why they are demanding the highway (4 lane) ?
    As the people living around there were vulnerable lives in forest villages, exploited every where, earning by small petty shops, dhabas………..
    Unless and until govt will not provide them options to earn, develope, educate
    they will demand the same and will do the illicit cutting, poaching and much more, What they have to do ? for livelihood when other infrastructure like road, industries, education etc… were not available: definitely they will depend upon the near by resources (forest etc..)
    So there is need to work jointly (all govt depts) to cure the problem, by providing them alternate options
    As for local peoples its the issue between Seoni and chhindwara, Chhindwara is developed district with a great leader Kamal Nath, what about Seoni, underdeveloped since 62 years, what govt had done for the people of seoni district , no industries, no good institutues in the region near by santury and park
    What else i have to say,, better first to explore more about the poor district their peoples, options of livelihood and then give ur precious comments

    1. @Neeraj Kumar

      Seoni need not be developed by ruining the forests around Pench. Seoni won’t lose anything if the NH7 was diverted via Chhindwara. The diversion will actually develop Seoni more.

  145. ??? save the tiger and please grow more trees ??? ??????? ???? ???? plants and please ??? ????? ???????? ?? ? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??? ????? . ??? ??? ?? ????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ??????? ??? ????? ?????

  146. Ya i m happy with the duty of ramesh ie ministry
    but before giving the suggestions we all have to think with the perspective of local people, why they are demanding the highway (4 lane) ?
    As the people living around there were vulnerable lives in forest villages, exploited every where, earning by small petty shops, dhabas

    1. @saumya

      You are actually better off without industries! Seoni has such good connectivity with Jabalpur and Nagpur for whatever you want from a big city.

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